I have an asset that I built that the class extends from Asset. Currently, when I create my new asset type, it does not get a web path given to it. (Yes, it should be getting a web path, any other asset gets one in the same create location.) I have to manually give it a path, then it will work fine and be viewable.
What would be the reason it is not getting a path automatically? When extending from Asset, do I need to specifically tell the asset that it should get a webpath?
UPDATE: Ok, I solved my own problem. I extended from page instead, and it solved all my problems.
Classes and Extends
(Nic Hubbard)
(Luke Wright)
Just for your information, you are correct in stating that assets do not get a web path automatically. Most assets in Matrix are extended from simple assets like Page, Folder, File, User etc, that do create a web path upon their creation. However, they don't necessarily make sense for all assets Matrix can use, which is why this is not done at a base Asset level.
If you're curious about the code involved, the _createAdditional() methods of Page or Folder assets are a good place to start. Hope this helps