Any ideas why compare to live button throws these matrix warnings? See attached screenshot. Screen Shot 2015-01-13 at 13.59.52.png (31.1 KB)
Compare to live button in Edit + throwing warning
(Bart Banda)
No idea, never seen that before. Any more info you can give? Edit+/Matrix version? Replication steps? etc.
(Scott Hall)
Are there keywords in the content/design code referencing image varieties (27780:v2) that don't exist? A quick workaround might be to clean those up.
Also, do you allow errors/warnings to be displayed on the front end - see
If "Hide Errors on Front End" is set to "No", try changing to "Yes" to avoid errors/warnings disrupting the site visitor experience.
Scott Hall, it looks like that the image variety missing was causing the issue. Also thanks for the tip on Hide Errors on frontend.