Hi Guys,
I've downloaded the new GPL version of your kickass CMS. Cool! Way to go on using the GPL!!!
I know that the asset map comes with a precompiled .jar, but I wanted to compile it myself. I went to core/lib/asset_map/java and tried to "make simple"
I got the following error, it looks like there's a directory with .java files in it "missing". Was this an unintentional mistake?
$ make simple
javac -sourcepath src/net/squiz/matrix/assetmap:src/net/squiz/matrix -classpath java40.jar:. -d . src/net/squiz/matrix/assetmap/.java src/net/squiz/matrix/xml/.java
error: cannot read: src/net/squiz/matrix/xml/*.java
1 error
make: *** [simple] Error 1
I checked for the existence of /core/lib/asset_map/java/src/net/squiz/matrix/xml, but it doesn't seem to be there. Is there any way I can get hold of these files?
Compiling asset map
I don't know the command to compile the asset map, but I can tell you that the xml directory is empty in our repository. It was probably removed during the CVS checkout, where CVS prunes empty directories.
So I suggest removing that dir from the command line, or creating a empty dir where it should be.
Try the following
$ cd path_to_matrix_install/core/lib/asset_map/java/src/ $ javac -classpath java40.jar net/squiz/cuetree/*.java net/squiz/matrix/core/*.java net/squiz/matrix/plaf/*.java net/squiz/matrix/matrixtree/*.java net/squiz/matrix/inspector/*.java net/squiz/matrix/ui/*.java net/squiz/matrix/assetmap/*.java net/squiz/matrix/debug/*.java $ jar cvfm complexassetmap.jar ../complexmanifest net/squiz/cuetree/*.class net/squiz/matrix/core/*.class net/squiz/matrix/plaf/*.class net/squiz/matrix/matrixtree/*.class net/squiz/matrix/inspector/*.class net/squiz/matrix/ui/*.class net/squiz/matrix/assetmap/*.class net/squiz/matrix/debug/*.class META-INF $ mv complexassetmap.jar .. $ jar cvfm assetmap.jar ../simplemanifest net/squiz/cuetree/*.class net/squiz/matrix/core/*.class net/squiz/matrix/plaf/*.class net/squiz/matrix/matrixtree/*.class net/squiz/matrix/inspector/*.class net/squiz/matrix/ui/*.class net/squiz/matrix/assetmap/*.class net/squiz/matrix/debug/*.class META-INF $ mv assetmap.jar ..
Be aware that we do sign the java assetmap applet with a Squiz SSL certificate key, if you recompile the assetmap without resigning it, you will get an additional “Java Applet Window” row on the pop up (See attached screen shot).
Also, please send me a private message with your email address so that I can send you java40.jar.
[Edit:] Cannot upload java40.jar to the forum.
assetmap_confirmation.PNG (1.45 KB)
[quote]Where does that java40.jar come from?
This file contains the Netscape LiveConnect libraries for connecting from Java to Javascript. We do not distribute this file due to licensing concerns, but it is easily acquirable from most Netscape based browser installs. If you do a search around the net, you should be able to find instructions on how to acquire it.
The makefile has been updated and it will be available in the next 3.12 release. Options available:
make simple make complex make clean make doc
However, you have to get the required java40.jar from a Netscape installation if you wish to recompile the java code.
Hey Squiz-dudes!
Downloaded 3.12.1 and found java40.jar, those make commands worked like a dream. You guys ROCK!