Complex form validation

(Valeri Nikitin) #1

I've got two input fields on a form:



email address

confirm email address


When i add a complex validation rule (either value comparison/text found in/text contains) the form highlights the error that they do not match, even though they do? 


matrix v4.6.0

(Ashish Karelia) #2

Would you be able to provide us more details as to how is the "Complex Validation Rules" configured?

(Valeri Nikitin) #3

sure no probs.


the 'email address field' and 'confirm email address field' are set as Required Entry.


The 'email address field' has value comparison 'Must be Equal to' and value of question is set for 'confirm email address'. 

(Ashish Karelia) #4

Try using the comparision value on "confirm email" question rather than doing what you are doing.

When Matrix tries to process the condition on the first question, the second question isn't yet processed. Because of this the answer to second question is empty string, which according to our setting doesn't match the rule and that's why you would get an error even though you shouldn't be getting any.



(Valeri Nikitin) #5

thanks that worked. I thought i tried that solution but must of dreamt it.