Hi there,
I have some JSON data:
[id] => EVT-000097-Y78GKW [title] => SC Event Feb 15 2016 1 [theme] => Conference/Seminar/Webinar [description] => A test of CRM for KL, KA, & AB. [start_time] => 2016-02-16T08:00:00 [end_time] => 2016-02-17T08:00:00 [max_registrations] => 0 [off_campus] => [location] => [{"campus":"Wimmera","building_room":"Wimmera (C100) MT Helen (F302)"},{"campus":"Mt Helen","building_room":"Wimmera (C100) MT Helen (F302)"}] [audience] => ["Prospective"] [type] => Workshop [custom_image] => [images] => [script] => events.push ({id:'EVT-000097-Y78GKW', location: 'Wimmera,Mt Helen', type: 'Conference/Seminar/Webinar', audience:'Prospective'}); [tile_date] => Tue 16 Feb - Wed 17 Feb [tile_date_html] => 16 Feb - 17 Feb[tile_location] => Wimmera & Mt Helen [loginRequired] =>
And I am successfully rendering this data in an asset listing. I would like to add a condition to Data Source Record Format which belongs to my Asset Listing based on the login required parameter which is empty or 1. And accessible using the keyword %ds__loginRequired%.
Based on the documentation, I would have thought the following format would suffice:
How does this look to those more experienced in this area
- Are you able to use data source parameters in a conditional keyword like this? I have tried other modifiers like notempty etc..
Any ideas?