Content Container Template Edit + preview

(Gjboyd7) #1

I recently seen a squiz summit presentation where the Content Container Template was shown as a demo.


I was wondering how do you render the preview of the content container template in Edit +


(Bart Banda) #2

Hey Gavin, not sure what you mean? Do you want to render the preview of the content you are editing within Edit+ so the user doesn't have to hit Preview to see what it will look like?


If so, you will need to customise your editing layout to support it. Might get tricky depending on the type of template you are creating.

Also, have a look at you haven't already. 

(Gjboyd7) #3

I have attached a screenshot of the inline preview demo.  Yes, it is as you describe "render the preview of the content you are editing within Edit+ so the user doesn't have to hit Preview to see what it will look like", it looks like a nice feature.


What is involved in setting that up, can that be configured in the Simple Edit Layout asset?  We have had a look through the manuals and not sure where to start to try and do it.  If it can be easily configured in matrix that would be a benefit, if not then clicking the preview button is fine.  The templates we are doing are very similar to the attached screenshot, columns and background images. Screen Shot 2016-08-16 at 10.53.32.png (294 KB)

(Anthony Ponomarenko) #4

Hey Gavin,


The content is displayed using the Keyword %__custom-contents% inside the Simple Edit Layout.


There is more going on in that example though, lists being displayed, js and css being loaded for the functionality and layout.




(Bart Banda) #5

I've uploaded an export of that template here: (IPB doesn't allow zip file attachments)


It's a bit rough and old, but should hopefully bring the concept across. 


Use the import assets from XML tool to bring it into your 5.3 system for testing. 


(Joanne Stephenson) #6

Is there any demos of content container templates, I would really like to see an accordion one :slight_smile:

(Bart Banda) #7

Not of an accordion one (should actually create one of those as an example) but here is one of a tabbed content one:

You could probably edit it to create accordions instead of tabs on the front end without much effort.

(Nick Papadatos) #8

Hi et al,
I have created a tabbed and accordion content container templates, these templates are based on the bootstrap framework though but doesn’t have to be if you want to create your own. Let me know if anyone is interested I’d be more than happy to share them.

(Bart Banda) #9

Sounds great Nicky, would love to have a look. Share them here?

(Nick Papadatos) #10

What’s the best way Bart - am I able jut to upload the .tgz files?

(Bart Banda) #11

Yep, just try uploading it as an attachment to a topic. If it doesn’t let you, try extracting the .xml file from the .tar file and upload that instead.

(Nick Papadatos) #12

Wouldn’t let me upload the .tgz files so I have uploaded the xml files as requested:

acc_export.xml (64.6 KB)
tabs_export.xml (66.1 KB)

(friv) #13

It’s great. Thanks for your sharing. Thank you very much
friv100 friv20