Content editor focused documentation for _recache and _nocache

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #1

I've been looking through the Squiz Matrix Manuals ( for information regarding the _recache and _nocache suffixes.


We have users where it would be useful to reference a manual page which explains how they operate - but the only mention of them appears to be pages more focussed for a system admin role? e.g. and ?


Is there any plan to add something more content editor focussed e.g. maybe a caching page under concepts or edit+ ?


Alternatively, does anyone have a page they use with their content editors we could crib from?

(Nic Hubbard) #2

What did you want to know about them?

(Joel Porgand) #3

What did you want to know about them?


seems like he wants a "caching for dummies" document ?


I'd also appreciate something like this. Every time I try to explain caching to people their eyes glaze over pretty much instantly. 


Yes I’m with JP on this. Thanks guys

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #5

Yes, something like a 'caching for dummies' is what I'm after.  I suspect there's pages on various websites that might be useful, was hoping someone might have one they'd recommend or suggest.