Creating a library of travel stories

(Mike Hatcher) #1


I have been trying to create a library of travel stories on my site using asset listings, but am not having much luck.

The structure I have is a folder for each of the countries (e.g. USA, Czech Republic etc) with each travel story on a separate standard page asset inside the relevant country folder. I have created a user asset for each of the authors and have changed the settings of each travel story to show them as the user who created the page.

What I would like to do is have a page which shows the 10 latest travel stories (with links to more results) categorised by country. I would also like to give the user the option to sort all the travel stories by country, creation date or author (or a combination of those is an ideal world). I have spent hours trying out different options but can't get it to work properly. :blink: Any ideas?

Any help would really, really be appreciated.

(Greg Sherwood) #2

With your asset listing, list standard pages and group them by Parent assets of type Folder. This will allow you to list all stories grouped by the country.

To get only 10, and the right order, you'll need to configure the grouping a bit more. You need to select to show only 10 entries for a group, and to sort by created date (or whatever date you are using).

You can use paint layouts to do it as well. If you apply a paint layout to your Folder assets and nest an asset listing in that paint layout, navigating to that folder can show you a list of the 10 latest stories for that country. You just need to configure the asset listing with a dynamic root node and set it to show 10 per page (but dont add links to go to the nest page), and do some sorting.

To show all the countries on one page, create an asset listing that lists those folders. If you use the %asset_contents% keyword, you can print the contents of each folder (now a list of the 10 most recent articles) on the one page.

However, some of those features may only be in 3.10. I'm honestly not sure which ones are, so give it a go and let me know where you get stuck (if you get stuck).