We had this issue before, but I cannot find the forum post where Greg helped us get this fixed. So, here goes the same question.
We just used the upgrade scripts to upgrade from 4.6.0 to 4.12.0. Things went pretty well, but even though we excluded our PUC package, it got removed somehow and I had it add it again after the installation finished, and rerun step_03 and compile_locals. Because of this, we cannot see any of the attributes of our custom puc_remote_audio
When this happened before Greg showed me a way to map the attributes from the database back to the assets so that it worked again. Could someone point me in the right direction here?
Custom Asset missing attributes after upgrade
(Nic Hubbard)
(Nic Hubbard)
Finally found it: http://forums.squizsuite.net/index.php?showtopic=5824&hl=