Custom Form Date/Time: Make time more friendly

(Nic Hubbard) #1

We use custom forms with date fields quite a bit. The time format is not that friendly for hours, as not everyone in the US is used to 24 hour time format. So, I wrote a quick jQuery function that makes the display much nicer for the user, while still letting Matrix do its thing.

See it in action (used for the flight times fields):

    // Converts select menu for hour format in a Custom Form
    function convertMatrixTime(obj) {
    	// Run through the select
    	var time_am = 1;
    	var time_pm = 1;
    	var item_num = 0;
    	obj.children('option').each(function() {
    		var text = $(this).text();
    		var val = parseInt($(this).val());
    		if (item_num === 1) {
    			$(this).text('12 am');
    		}//end if
    		if (item_num === 13) {
    			$(this).text('12 pm');
    		}//end if
    		if (text !== '') {
    			// Rewrite
    			if (item_num < 13 && item_num !== 1) {
    				$(this).text(time_am+' am');
    				// Increment
    			}//end if
    			if (item_num >= 13 && item_num !== 13) {
    				$(this).text(time_pm+' pm');
    				// Increment
    			}//end if
    		}//end if
    		// Increment
    		// Reset our vars
    		if (item_num >= 25) {
    			time_am = 1;
    			time_pm = 1;
    			item_num = 0;
    	});//end each

Because Matrix names those select fields strangely, you have to craft the selectors like:

    var matrix_hour_format = $("#q60737\\:q10value\\[h\\], #q60737\\:q12value\\[h\\]");

(Robin Shi) #2

Nic rocks, again :lol:

(Aleks Bochniak) #3

Why didn't you use native JavaScript Date Object methods?

(Nic Hubbard) #4

Why didn't you use native JavaScript Date Object methods?


I was just wanting to change way it displayed. How would you have used the Date object?