Custom Form: View incomplete submissions

(Nic Hubbard) #1

Matrix Version:

Is it possible to view the Incomplete Submissions of a Custom Form? So far I cannot find a place for this other than the email configuration.

(Nic Hubbard) #2

Anyone able to help with this?

(Bart Banda) #3

Have a look on the linking screen of the Incomplete Submissions folder, and switch the Display Type to Linked Children

(Nic Hubbard) #4

Thank you, that worked!

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #5

I could be wrong, but I think we’ve looked into and made some progress with having asset listings to better present both the complete and incomplete submissions on custom forms.

(Jane Butler) #6

Hi Douglas
I am prepping an asset listing page for submissions to a custom form and want to be able to show incomplete vs complete (submitted). Did you manage to find a way to do this? Was it using keyword modifiers?

Any help would be appreciated
Dunedin City Council

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #7

Kia ora Jane - I’ll check to see if others have found other ways, but on one listing I setup to show both I used custom grouping based on the parent asset (and with Group assets by direct parent asset ticked). It shows incomplete submissions and then complete submissions with a heading before each section.

(Jane Butler) #8

Many thanks Douglas - I hadn’t thought of that approach so will have a go & see what I can do.
Appreciate the help

(Harinder Singh) #9

We might be able to achieve the expected result with “Search page” asset. You can define the asset types to search like “Form Submission Completed” and “Form submission created”.

You can configure search page to have customise results.

(Glovegro) #10

Simplest way I found was to create an asset listing

Asset Types to List => Form Submission
Root Nodes => Incomplete Submissions (folder)

Then in the Type Formats > Default Format … replace

This will give you a series of tables with the answer / question in columns of the details submitted