Custom forms - submission ID / text box formatting

(Oliver Kass) #1



Does anyone know if it's possible to pull through the user's submission id into the submission action emails? I'd like to use this as a reference id internally. I see there's a keyword for non-completed submissions but it doesn't seem to work for completed ones...


Also, is there a way to keep the paragraph formatting from a text field entry in the submission action emails? If someone provides a detailed response to a question it would be useful to keep paragraphs etc rather than receiving the response as one big block of text.





(Oliver Kass) #2

I figured out the formatting issue with textarea fields. You can use this modifier:




Still keen to get an swer on the submission ID if anyone has one though.



(Bart Banda) #3

You should be able to use %form_submission_id%

(Oliver Kass) #4

Thanks Bart, I somehow managed to miss that in the manual...



