Customising Metadata WYSIWYG editor

(gja) #1



I'm wondering if it is possible to customize the WYSIWYG editor for metadata on an asset builder?


I've created an asset builder that contains a wysiwyg metadata field.  In order to avoid users adding content that is not appropriate for that field I'd like to limit what buttons are available.  Has anyone had experience doing this.   


Alternatively, is it possible to automatically process the contents of the field to remove unwanted markup.  Especially markup that would be included in a copy/paste from word or a rich text email.


Thank in advance,


We are using v5.1.5

(Tbaatar) #2

You can customize the WYSIWYG editor by changing the user preference of the user group so you can leave the essential's like bold, em, list, anchor link etc. 

Read more here:

(Tim Davison) #3

Doesn't v5.1 use Edit+, rather than the old WYSIWYG?  Does setting preferences like this have any effect on Edit+ toolbar?

(Tbaatar) #4

I don't think this will work for Matrix 5.1 with Edit+.

(Bart Banda) #5

You can still use the classic WYSIWYG in 5.1, and 5.2 for that matter. In 5.1 we added user preference options for the Edit+ WYSIWYG tool as well: 

(Tbaatar) #6



I have tried playing around with the user preference option for Edit+ by turning on/off various different formatting options but it does not seem to take any affect in Edit+ mode and in Simple Edit mode (only tried calendar asset).

(Bart Banda) #7

You sure you are not in any other user groups that seem to be overwriting these rules for your user? What options are you trying to turn off? And what version of Matrix?