Squiz Matrix v5.4.0.2
I’m having a problem creating a create account form for an account manager.
I want to create a custom form. But I don’t want to create the input fields for the form using the keyword replacements $details-F_username% and %details-email%, because I want to include my own classes in the input tags and I don’t want a size specified for the input field. However, if I simply include the input tags myself, I get the messages “Username is required to send the validation email” and “Email is required to send the validation email”.
If I do create the fields using the keyword replacements, the form works. But even if I copy the input tags created by the keyword replacements and use that in place of the keyword replacements, it won’t work.
Is there something I am missing? Is some other code generated by the keyword replacements that I am not catching?