Customized Div - Content File Type

(Selkins) #1


I'm writing a customized div type to handle individual linkable file assets broadly based on the content type image. The problem is that JsHttpConnector within the content_type_edit_fns is setup to grab the attributes of an image file (i.e. alt text, width, height etc). Are there keywords to enable JsHttpConnector to populate File Info attributes of a file asset type (i.e. full filename, friendly name, file size readable)?

Thanks very much

(Greg Sherwood) #2

I don't think there are any options for it. You might need to write your own JS function to grab that data, and call it instead.

(Selkins) #3

Thanks for the reply

I've since realized that I should be able to use some of the functions like get_file_type, easy_filesize etc a la classic

It would have been neat to use the JS way though :slight_smile: