Decision tree - add hyperlink to note field

(Deborah Griffin) #1

Matrix Version: v5.5.0.

I need to add an external hyperlink to a note field in a decision tree. this is the text:

You don’t need to have applied for JobKeeper; you just need to prove that you are eligible to receive this payment. To check this, visit the Australian Taxation Office.

and I want Australian Taxation Office to go to :

Any help with this?

(Bart Banda) #2

Hi @DeborahG, you should be able to do this by just wrapping the text you want to link in a tag. Like this:

You don’t need to have applied for JobKeeper; you just need to prove that you are eligible to receive this payment. To check this, <a href="">visit the Australian Taxation Office</a>.

(Bart Banda) #3

From Deb:

Yes… thanks I must have missed something originally… have it working now.

Much appreciated…
