Default option for Selection atribute

(Timeverist) #1

I have a custom asset with an attribute that is a 'selection'. There is a problem with leaving it on the default option when creating the asset. If i leave it as the default the search is unable to recognise that the asset has the default attribute value. To make sure the search recognises it I have to change the attribute value to another selection then change it back to the default.

Is this a bug? or am I doing something wrong, any way to fix it?


(Greg Sherwood) #2

If you assigned a default value, Matrix doesnt actually store anything in the attribute value table (to save space). When you commit the screen after create, the value is changed from the default now that the system knows you want that value stored. This allows the search manager to index the content correctly.

The search manager, when indexing on create, should probably still get all these attribute values to index them (even if they are defaults) if it doesn't do that already.

So I agree that it should work the way you are expecting. If you know it doesn't, submit a bug report and we'll fix it.

(Rayn Ong) #3