Do we need to always use the latest for checking out versions?

(Dw Andrew) #1



I was just about to start a topic about an issue with my upgrade, but I think I've figured it out.

I was using from 4.6.5 to check out all the needed (up to 4-12-3) versions so I could put them in pre_uploaded for the upgrade.


Somewhere along the line packages were added to so when i checked out 4-10-3 I guess was missing the SAML package, causing issues in the next step of upgrade.


Does this mean it's a good idea to update to the latest when checking out a set of versions?  OR will that also cause issues?


If it will cause issues what's the best way to ensure everything is 'correct'?





Issue I had:


I am upgrading a system from 4-6-5 to 4-12-3.  I'm using the latest upgrade script


It's all good until "Now upgrading from 4.10.2 to 4.10.3"


Upgrade to 4.10.2 complete.                                 

Now upgrading from 4.10.2 to 4.10.3 [ Press ENTER to start]
[ Starting… ]
Checking for differences between 4.10.2 and existing code [ OK ]
Backup skipped due to command-line option. [ Skipped ]
Check out new code, using tag “mysource_4-10-3” ERROR saml package appears to be installed on current system, but not in pre_upload Matrix
[ Error ]
[matrix@sandbox upgrade]$