Dotx open as docx by default from Matrix


Not sure if any MIME type or Matrix system setting can help me here... but, Could anyone assist on whether a linked dotx file could be set to open as a docx by default in ie?


Currently when you click on a dotx link and select 'Open' from the dialogue box, Word will open it as a dotx rather than a docx. Obviously the browser is just doing what it is told, but we're hoping to mimic what happens when you click on a dotx file locally.

(Aleks Bochniak) #2

Is the webserver serving the dotx file, because you have unrestricted access turned on? If so (likely) you can't do much in matrix to change the mime type. You will have to do this in your web server config.

(Tim Davison) #3

IE may be interfering here as well - I've found IE often tries to be 'helpful' and open documents within the browser, happens similarly with powerpoint for us, and we have had no end of issues where stakeholders want *this* powerpoint to open in office but *this* one to open in presentation mode, etc, etc.  So you get to a situation where the individual desktop can be set up so opening the same file locally does one thing and the exact same file opened from a link does something else.  Non-microsoft browsers seem to simply download the file (and again stakeholders wanting us to write web code to control this behaviour as well).


Possibly nothing to do with it, but we also had an issue where Apache didn't have the new MIME types, but Matrix did.  So while in under construction / safe edit downloaded fine, mime type correct, but once published (and served by apache) was downloading as a zip file.


Double-check your response headers, MIME types should be:

.docx   application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
.dotx   application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template


Thank you for the advice.


More reasons to loathe ie...


For now, seems the easiest workaround is to publish .docx's rather than .dotx's