Dynamic form confirmation page


Hi all,

I’m looking to hide empty questions and responses on the confirmation page.

Currently I’m using:




to hide the question and answer if its empty.

The problem I’m facing is hiding the section title if ALL the questions and responses of that section are empty. If I don’t do this and all the responses are empty the user will just see a title on its own.

Any help is appreciated.


(John gill) #2

Probably best to use JavaScript for this (either SSJS or just regular client side JS).

If you drop all the responses into an array and check if anything has a value, you could get away with something along the lines of:

<script runat="server">
var responses = ['%response_368_q1%','%response_368_q2%','%response_368_q3%','%response_368_q4%','%response_368_q5%'];

if (!responses.reduce((acc, val) => !!val || acc, false)) {
    print ("<h1> You didn't fill in any fields!");

(assuming you’re on >=5.4)

The JS-less alternatives are fairly obtuse. You can’t do any OR logic with the responses, and the ^empty keyword modifier doesn’t appear to behave as I’d expect when used in a conditional keyword (on 5.5). You’d probably be left with something like:


<!-- -->
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<div style="display:none;">

<!-- -->

<h1>You didn't fill in any fields!</h1>


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but don’t do that.

(Amurray) #3

I’ve used this with success:

On confirmation page - %form_summary%

As it gets printed in a table format, just the following js:

<script type="text/javascript">