Easy Edit

(Neil Newman) #1

I have just installed the Easy Edit software, but I am unable to get it to edit a page.
All appears to work, from the Easy Edit page: I can see the page I wish to edit and I can successfully click on the "Edit" button.

This successfuly brings up the six available options:

"Details, Content, Metadata, Workflow, Linking, URL's"

All of these buttons appear to work, apart from the "Content" button, which never returns.

Anyone got any ideas what I have got wrong, I presume it is a permissions problem somewhere?

(Anthony Barnes) #2

The content screen pulls in wysiwyg files, it's possible that some of these files are not being referenced correctly. There is a variable in your design parse file called 'eesSiteURL'. This url should be set to the base url of your matrix system. Check for any 404's being generated from external files Easy Edit is bringing in (easiest to check through something like the firefox net tab).

(Scott Hall) #3

Hey Neil

For the majority of installs 'eesSiteURL' does not need to be populated, but Anthony is right might be best to populate this with your base domain so the __data files referenced from content screen are found.

Hard to diagnose without access to your system, do you have a current SLA or access to our support team?

I'd start by going back over EES manuals instructions step by step, in the past this type of probelm has been related to misconguration, or one/two missed steps. Usually URL/Site Asset related config.

Like Anthony mentioned, use FireBug's Net tab for firefox (or simialr web diagnostic tool in other browser) to analyse the web traffic after you click on 'Content' screen, it will be quite obvious if something is wrong a there will be quite a few red 404 get requests, which will indicate configuration issue.