Edit+ behaviour with automatic remap option

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #1

On one of our systems we have the Remap Manager remapping option switched off for:

  • Automatically add remaps when webpath changed?

In _admin that can be seen as set to off and when urls are changed there’s no remap automatically created.

In _edit, it’s set to yes, and I suspect is why we’ve had remaps automatically created.

This seems like a bug, unless there’s an Edit+ preference I haven’t been able to find?

(Bart Banda) #2

In Edit+ there should be a toggle for when you change the web path on the URLs screen to create a remap or not.

But depends on what version of Matrix you are on?

Or is this when you move an asset using the Linking screen in Edit+?

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #3

The toggle is there, but by default it appears to be set to yes, when the system preference (e.g. remap manager option) is set to no.

(Bart Banda) #4

Just tested it in the latest version and can confirm it doesn’t matter what the system preference is. We could potentially look at adding a preference for edit+ specifically to enable the remap or not, or for it to just follow the system preference, but that might not always be what’s desire-able. Separate Edit+ preference is probably the way to go.
In the meantime you could easily write a small JS plugin to always switch it off by default.

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #5

Thanks Bart for testing that -

In the meantime you could easily write a small JS plugin to always switch it off by default.

will look into that. Do you know of the thinking behind why Edit+ only shows the current urls? I can think of reasons, but we’re working increasingly with editors using Edit+ and not going near _admin so won’t be aware of the remaps.

(Bart Banda) #6

Do you mean why don’t we show the current remaps applied to the asset in Edit+ as well, like we do in Admin?

If that’s the case, then not sure. The screen was built before my time but I can’t see a valid reason for not showing the remaps in Edit+ as well, wouldn’t be too much effort either to add it as a feature if you want to squizmap it?