Edit + crashing

(Gjboyd7) #1



Edit + crashes a lot when trying to save, page just hangs at the loading animated gif.  The user only option is to refresh the page, and then is presented with a login screen, loosing any changes since previous save.


Has anybody else experienced issues like this?


Screenshots one



Screenshots two




  • The Matrix and/or Edit+ version you are using:   Squiz Matrix v5.1.3.0Edit+ v5.1.3.0
  • Your Operating System and browser type and version (if applicable): Issue has been reported by editors using PC's and Mac's, Chrome, Safari so far.
  • Steps to replicate the problem: Login to Edit+, use the system, on saving the system crashes, the crashing issue is intermittent.


Thanks Screen Shot 2015-04-24 at 09.21.56.png (159 KB)

(Nic Hubbard) #2

Are you seeing any javascript errors?

(Tim Davison) #3

Those http requests are returning 403's.  Is that what it should be?  Check permissions on the Easy Edit web service, maybe?

(Bart Banda) #4

Sounds like your session is dropping for some reason. But depends on what you mean by "a lot". Does it happen consistently or randomly?

(Gjboyd7) #5

It happens randomly.


The only errors shown are: 





403's are returned on the http requests.  Randomly.

(Bart Banda) #6

Sounds like you are losing connection randomly for some reason. Does the user have to reload the screen and the problem goes away?


If you are a Squiz client you are probably best of sending a support ticket in as it may be hardware related. 

(Tim Davison) #7

Possibly unrelated, we used to have an issue with users being logged out randomly.  Squiz ticket eventually traced it down to slow browser (IE8 on XP....eww) taking too long between ajax requests and memcache timeout causing login session to invalidate.  But if they refreshed it would start working again.

(Gjboyd7) #8

User is forced to refresh the browser, then they are presented with the login screen.  So they have lost all changes since the previous save.  


Thanks Tim, sounds very similar.  Only difference is our users are using modern browsers, Chrome and Safari mainly.


What was done to resolve that issue?

(Tim Davison) #9

Yes, it does sound very similar.  This is what we had to do to mitigate it (unfortunately nothing fixed it).


- Stop using IE8 with EES (does not apply to you).

- Upgrade OS to Win7 (probably does not apply to you).

- Stop trying to do too many things at once, in particular advise authors and publishers to stop opening up 10 tabs with EES and clicking Save, Save, Save, etc.  Literally, have one instance open of EES at a time.  Any more than that I find it struggles.

- Check if there's any latency between you and the Matrix instance (we got the proxy.pac updated to go direct, but that was in internal network installation so may not apply to you).

- Don't have long pages with lots of content or divs (affected content tab when saving)

- Don't have too many metadata fields (affecting metadata tab, obviously)

- Avoid over-intensive triggers (which would run when clicking save, in particular when submitting or making live)


Squiz suggested we could have increased memcache timeout to 30 secs (default is 15 secs), but that was rejected by business owners as it has potential to affect live page performance (and they didn't really understand what was happening).


You could add an EES plugin that would take measurements of timings (I've been working on reporting these in GA), then if you found ajax responses working up to 15secs after a human action and then failing after that, then I think you can safely say you've tracked down the culprit.  I also used a software proxy/packet sniffer to confirm fails starting after ~15secs.  Narrowed it down for us, but in the end all we could was change our behaviours, nothing fixed it.


All this was done in a relatively old version of Matrix, v4.12, so I would have thought it be solved or fixed from the Matrix end by now.  The fact it's failing in Matrix v5.1 with modern browsers is a bit of a worry.  Hopefully it's a different issue with an easier fix.

