Hi, I am having a problems using variables inside the globals keyword. I have adjusted the bottom example in the Server Side JavaScript page in the manual.
The problem is that the ‘%globals_asset_metadata_Studyarea:’ + asset + ‘%’ doesn’t evaluate out as a value at the same time as the straight %asset_metadata_Value%
When I view the page, the print command resolves both variables as the same text but the if condition fails.
When I view the page with the ?SQ_VIEW_SERVER_JS param it shows the following.
%globals_asset_metadata_Studyarea:’ + asset + ‘%’ + ’ — ’ + ‘Business and Law
’);How can I get the globals with a variable asset number to evealuate at the same time as everything else so that I can compare them?
<script runat="server">
const assets = %globals_asset_children:792600^empty:[]%;
var matches = [];
//Only run if there are actually any assets in the array
if(assets.length > 0){
print('<p>%globals_asset_metadata_Studyarea:' + asset + '%' + ' --- ' + '%asset_metadata_Value%</p>');
if('%globals_asset_metadata_Studyarea:' + asset + '%' == '%asset_metadata_Value%'){