Events Frequency Threshold - how does it actually work?

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #1

The threshold preference says:

If set to a non-zero positive value, the recurring event will be displayed only once in listing pages when its frequency is less than the specified threshold value.

and the manuals say:

This preference allows you to limit the frequency of Recurring Calendar Event assets on Upcoming Events List and Calendar Events Search Page assets.

In the Events Frequency Threshold field, enter a minimum threshold (in days) for the Recurring Calendar Events. If the frequency of a calendar event falls within this threshold, the event will only appear once on the listing/search results.

For example, if you set this threshold to 7 days, an event that recurs daily will only display in the results once, while an event that recurs fortnightly will display all instances of this event on the listing/search results.

By default, this threshold will be set to 0, meaning the option is disabled; no threshold will be applied to the Recurring Calendar Events on listing/search results.

but Iā€™m still left wondering how this is really intended to work - testing at home hasnā€™t helped.

We have a listing thatā€™s including a recurring weekly event - happens every 7 days. With the threshold set to 7, the listing still shows every occurrence. Increase the threshold to 8, and ā€¦ no occurrences at all.

The event should be occurring today (9:30) and my testing was after that, so Iā€™m wondering if Iā€™ve hit a bugā€¦

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #2

Testing again today, with a threshold of 8, only the next event shows.

However, based on testing previous, it looks like the event vanishes some time on the day it occursā€¦?

(Bart Banda) #3

Can you share a bit more info about the implementation and what event listing assets are used and how they are configured?

I believe the Recurring Events are mainly compatible with things like Calendar Search Pages and Calendar Pages for when you want to list each occurrence.

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #4

We have a collection of single and recurring calendar events being listed via an upcoming events list (which per may be deprecated, but will still be around until 6.1?).

The recurring events are more often than individual events, and so ā€˜floodā€™ the listing unhelpfully.

Ideally, what we want is:

  • before an instance of the recurring event - show that event instance
  • during an instance of the recurring event - show the current event instance
  • on day of a recurring event, after the event has concluded, show the next instance

Iā€™m planning on setting up a test to see if I can accurately record what the behaviour is on the day of an event occurrence and will update after Iā€™ve got that done.

(Bart Banda) #5

This is where the upcoming events list falls short, as it only sees events that havenā€™t started yet as upcoming, which makes sense. To have more control over this, you might be better of using the calendar search page?

I think it might also be hard to separate the state of ā€œduring an instanceā€ and ā€œon the day ofā€?

(Tbaatar) #6

Hi Douglas,

For what you are trying to achieve can you not achieve this with the Calendar Page asset and mix it with Upcoming Page? or even mix it with SSJS?

I never had any issue with Calendar Page asset for the most complex event types. For recently project I built the entire Coach schedule for 49 destinations using the Recurring Event Calendar Asset and used combination of Calendar Page, Paint Layout and SSJS. You can view it here: (check the accordians and interactive map at the bottom)

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #7

Yes, but past developments have seen the use of the now deprecated event assets.

Is there a tool in Matrix to help identify live assets of a deprecated asset type?

(Bart Banda) #8

We are working on this tool at the moment, not 100% finished yet, but in a working state where you can run a report in your system that tells you what asset types you have that are due to be deprecated in upcoming versions.

If you contact your Squiz account manager we can arrange for that script to be run on your instance to get a report for you.