Matrix Version:
Hi all, this is my first time trying to use the ‘exclude’ field in the Search Page asset. It looks to be very straight forward, but I must be doing something wrong because it is not working.
On my search page, the same Metadata field is used for both the ‘topic’ (include) field and the exclude field. The idea being that you can search for it to include one topic and/or exclude a topic (via ‘exclude’ field).
The ‘topic’ (include) field works fine. The Metadata field is a checkbox field.
When I add the parameter:
it does not exclude the results that are marked with UX.
However, if I were to use the topic=UX parameter, it correctly shows only the ones tagged with UX.
- I have added it as a GET parameter on the Details Screen
- I have added it, obviously, to the Fields screen as an exclude field
- I have “match on all fields” set, along with allow empty searches. (To allow an ‘exclude’ without a ‘topic’)
Is there something more I need to do?
Something I am doing wrong?