Failed upgrade using the update script

(Anton Babushkin) #1

Hi guys,

I was recently doing an update on one of my boxes using the upgrade script (going from 4.0 to 4.4.0) and half way through it error'd out with a "permission denied" message (not sure why, but I think my permissions were setup in correctly on one of the folders).

I was able to log back into Matrix without any issues (and pages are rendering fine), however now I can see that the upgrade has actually left the system in a somewhat "half-baked" state where in the top bar it says that I'm in version 4.4.0, but if you inspect it closely none of the new functionality has actually carried across (e.g. none of the new Trigger actions are there, etc.). This tells me that none of the new assets were re-compiled but rather some of the config files may have just been updated.

What's the best way to recover from this? Would running the upgrade script with the -F flag be fine? or should I recover from the backup files that the script makes and try running the upgrade script again?

Cheers - Anton

(Edison Wang) #2

Which version upgrade it failed? It looks like it failed during step of 4.2.3 to 4.4.0.
If that's the case, all you have to do, is re-run the installing steps for that upgrade. Which is simple.

You can actually see which steps the auto-upgrade script does in the xml file in def folder.

step to root directory of Matrix and

    php install/step_02.php `pwd`
    php install/compile_locale.php `pwd`
    php install/step_03.php `pwd`
    php install/compile_locale.php `pwd`

If it failed on other version upgrade, you can follow the xml file and manually run through the unfinished steps.

(Anton Babushkin) #3

Not sure which version it failed on.

I re-ran the upgrade script with the "-F" parameter and everything fixed it self up magically. :slight_smile: