I'm looking to make a listing of assets (News Items) filtered by a specific metadata value. I looked at using an asset listing page but it does not have the functionality I'm looking for (it will sort but it won't exclude).
I want to embed a list of news feed items in a page but have them filtered according to a metadata value. If a news item does not have the 'preset' metadata value, it is not listed.
I have 'kinda' got this working before for relational asset listing http://forums.squizsuite.net/index.php?showtopic=4332&hl=%2Bcan+%2Byou+%2Bfilter+%2Basset+%2Blisting+%2Bbased+%2Bmetadata%3F
But this time I don't want to have the page that its nested in have metadata value to compare the search page output to. I want to force a metadata value manually.
E.G. All news items that have the metadata value of "purple" are listed in the nested content. All other news items are not listed.
How is this possible?