Finding links to page contents asset


Matrix Version: 6.45

We have an issue where some users have linked to the page contents asset instead of the parent asset (Standard page asset), resulting in the ?SQ_VARIATION_xxxx URL suffix. Is there a way of creating an asset listing to see if there are any more links like this?

I’ve been trying to work out what keywords and modifiers I need.

I know I need to display bodycopy type asset, but how to display if another asset is referencing this asset?

(Iain Simmons) #2

You could use the Data search tool and search for SQ_VARIATION_.

Page contents would be “Attributes”, but if you think it might somehow be in some metadata fields (including for Container Templates), then you can also leave “Metadata” selected.


Thanks, but unfortunately I don’t have system admin access. Are there no keywords/modifiers to generate a list of all page content assets that are being linked to?

So far I’ve been using Google Analytics to find pages ending in the suffix