Could someone please explain how to style the data output received in the email submission of a custom form?
For example, I have a form with questions that use multiple labels per question to provide checkboxes options. When multiple options are checked and the submission is received all the checkbox labels are combined into one paragraph making it hard to read and impossible to tell what boxes remained unchecked.
(see attachments "form submission 2 & 3")
This occurs when using either "%response_34466_q2%" code or "%form_summary%" in the Form Contents > Email Options "body" section.
Using "%form_contents%" instead displays the checkboxes nicely (see attachment "form submission 1") but has another problem of displaying the first part of the form in a crowded way with no vertical spacing.
Editing Body Copies > Page Contents only changes how the form is displayed on the web page (which looks great) and not in the email received.
I would be happy to either a) be able to separate the checkbox labels in attachment 2 or 3 using a display:block type styling or
b) be able to apply some vertical padding to contents in attachment 1 for more readability.
Any light you could shed on this subject would be much appreciated. Form submission 2.png (110 KB) Form submission 3.png (120 KB) Form submission 1.png (132 KB)