Global Keywords and Page Not Found assets

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #1

I'm looking into a problem where global keywords aren't being properly replaced on our global 404 page not found asset so that the page shows "%globals_server_HTTP_REFERER%" instead of the expected referrer string (or null value).


It looks like the global keyword is being properly replaced when the site itself uses the 404 page, but Matrix doesn't do the replacement when the site has no 'not found page' and instead uses the default  404 page (set via the remap manager).


This doesn't seem consistent... or is there a setting I need to toggle somewhere?

Keyword replacements on Not Found Page
(Bart Banda) #2

I can confirm this is an issue in latest version of Matrix as well. Will log it as a bug in our bug tracker.

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #3

Thanks Bart!