Global Referrer Keywords

(Lewis) #1


Trying to use these keywords (see below), but I’m getting nothing when I’m logged out, and the administration URL when I’m logged in :thinking:

From the descriptions, I would expect to see something like ‘’ for the _site_referrer keyword, if I’ve entered the site as a public user, from That’s what the description seems to suggest?

(Iain Simmons) #2

Hi @lewis,

It’s possible that wherever you are navigating to Matrix from is sending a strict Referrer-Policy header that says it shouldn’t include any information when navigating away from that site.

And then it is also possible that a reverse proxy or some web server configuration in front of Matrix is otherwise stripping the Referer header from the request that Matrix receives.

Hope that helps!
– iain

(Lewis) #3

Hi @isimmons. Thanks for replying.

Ah, damn - I didn’t think of that :man_facepalming:

I’m getting ‘strict-origin-when-cross-origin’ against the Referrer Policy header when I view the page.

I guess this would be one for our IT dept? The intention is to use this to help make decisions about what content to display on the webpage the user is visiting.