Globals_asset_url not creating a notice link

(Nic Hubbard) #1

Something I have always wondered "why" about is that when you do a normal ./?a=123 style of link a NOTICE link is created between the two assets. Which is VERY helpful.


However, when you use a %globals_asset_url:1234% style link there is no NOTICE link created. Personally I would expect one to be created so that we know everywhere on the site that a page is linked to, especially when deleting an asset.


Is there a reason why this wasn't implemented?

(Bart Banda) #2

I think because it was originally just available as a global keyword, so when they wrote the feature for being able to do %globals_asset_anything:1234%, asset_url became part of it automatically. I'm not sure why more people haven't been asking for it to create notice links though, maybe it has been discussed before and because it's coming from the %globals_ method makes it harder to manage that as NOTICE links? 

(Nic Hubbard) #3

I think that having that keyword create a NOTICE link would be a big help so that you know all the places that an asset is linked.

(A Dunbar) #4

I don't often comment... but this one is good enough to drag me out of my slumber.


I second, third and forth this request.

(Bart Banda) #5

I agree that it would be useful, but not sure how feasible, but maybe worth putting up an idea for it in Squizmap? Same argument could be made for other asset relations such as %globals_asset_contents:, %globals_asset_name: etc..

(Nic Hubbard) #6

I agree that it would be useful, but not sure how feasible, but maybe worth putting up an idea for it in Squizmap? Same argument could be made for other asset relations such as %globals_asset_contents:, %globals_asset_name: etc..


Well, but if you are using the Safe Trash option it isn't as effective when the globals keyword links are used, since Matrix won't know about them.

(A Dunbar) #7

I'm not sure about others... but I use this asset keyword replacement heaps for protocol neutral linking in my Design Parse files. Which is why it would be great to see NOTICE links for this global - cos otherwise you aren't sure if JS/CSS libraries for example are linked into your Designs.



(Bart Banda) #8

On that, with JS and CSS I usually nest in a standard page into the <head> tag and print all my CSS and JS references using the ./?a= links in there. Keeps the Parse file clean and makes it easy to update your <head> content without running massive reparsings, also makes it safe editable. 

(A Dunbar) #9

Me too.. but if you are going for absolute raw performance then I've found less nested objects into your Design parse files the better.