We are currently transitioning a large number of files from Matrix to an external hosting environment.
We would like to make this relativly painless for our users who may have links to the documents bookmarked, contained in an old email or document etc.
Ideally 1-to-1 remaps would be great but all of the files are served up by Apache using /__data URLs, which I beileve are unable to be remapped by Matrix. Is this correct?
Another option would be setting up a 404 page for /__data so that the user can be directed to the new location. Does anybody have ideas for how to achive this?
Gracefully removing files
(Matthew Harding)
(Mitchell Essex)
Hi Matthew,
You can't redirect the links in matrix but you can do them in apache
Redirect permanent /__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/123456/my_file.pdf http://www.mynewaddress/my_file.pdf