Highlight search terms in search results

(Tom Chadwin) #1

Apologies if this has been asked before - couldn't find it. The design I am trying to implement wraps a span around instances of the search string in the search results. I couldn't see a way of doing this out of the box, and my first stab at keyword modifiers doesn't seem to do it:


Can anyone sort out my modifiers, or give another way of doing this?


Edit: just realized that of course I would not want to modify %asset_name_linked% as it would destroy the link HTML, so ignore my choice of base keyword replacement - it's the modifiers that I need to get right.





(Nic Hubbard) #2

Are you opposed to using javascript? It would be super simple doing it that way. Sometimes those long keyword modifier solutions seem like too much work.

(Bart Banda) #3

+1 for using JS, doing this server side seems like it would decrease performance for very little benefit.

(Cgrist) #4

If you really do want to do it serverside, maybe the tag or tagif modifiers? 


tag:<tagname> Wraps a returned value in a set tagname argument XML tag.
Example: %asset_contents^tag:body%
Effect: <body>content</body>


tagif:<tagname> Wraps a returned value in a set tagname argument XML tag. If the returned value is empty, no tags are printed.

Example: %asset_name^tagif:title%
Effect: <title>assetname</title>



You'd still need a replace keyword to get the class into the tag though, I imagine. (maybe something like replace^<span:<span class="searchTerm"% will do)

(Nic Hubbard) #5

Here is a quick JS version: http://jsfiddle.net/w5ze6/119/

(Tom Chadwin) #6

Are you opposed to using javascript?


For something as simple as this, yes. Why on earth would I want to deny a proportion of my users a feature which the client-server model does not dictate can only happen client-side?


maybe the tag or tagif modifiers


I've used those extensively before. Problem is that the design requires the surrounding tag to have a class. I don't suppose tagif supports them, does it? Something like:



(Bart Banda) #7


I've used those extensively before. Problem is that the design requires the surrounding tag to have a class. I don't suppose tagif supports them, does it? Something like:



Can you get away with highlighting it without using a class? Can't you just wrap it in a <strong> tag or target it via parent CSS selector?


p.result-title > strong {

   highlight: stuff




(Cgrist) #8

I've used those extensively before. Problem is that the design requires the surrounding tag to have a class. I don't suppose tagif supports them, does it? Something like:



Hi Tom,


I've just tested the example I gave in my last reply and it works for me.


%asset_name^tagif:span^replace:<span:<span class="x"%



(Tom Chadwin) #9

Can't you just wrap it in a <strong> tag or target it via parent CSS selector?


I don't know that that would be quite semantically correct, though perhaps the q tag (if it's not deprecated) would be appropriate. Thanks. I still don't really understand why that might work when my version does not, though.


%asset_name^tagif:span^replace:<span:<span class="x"%


But that wraps the whole string, not just instances of the search query within it. Or am I misunderstanding?





(Tom Chadwin) #10

Well, I just can't get replace_keywords to work at all in this context, which rings a bell - did I post elsewhere about it not working in another context? I'm on 4.14.3.

(Cgrist) #11

Hi Tom,


Apologies - I had misunderstood the problem.


This works for me:

%asset_name^replace_keywords:replace:({globals_get_query}):<span class="searchTerm" ><strong>{globals_get_query}</strong></span>%


I haven't seen 'globals_get_queries_term_query' is that just for a GET parameter called 'queries_term_query'?


This is in 4.18.3 however, and I think early versions of the 'replace_keywords' modifier did not support globals keywords in the replacements... I'm not sure what version that changed in, but I would try your modifier using a meta field or short_name attribute for the search term, just to confirm whether it's a problem with the globals keywords inside a replace_keywords modifier. 

(Tom Chadwin) #12

Hi Chris


No, yours doesn't work for me, and I've confirmed that if I try to highlight a non-global keyword, it works. Yes, that is my search query GET variable, using the replacement specified for search results bodycopies:


I've copied the search field code from an existing site on our Matrix install. Is the rather unwieldy search field name hard-coded, or can I set it somewhere. I have concerns that there is a naming conflict between the keyword and the modifier.


We're on 4.14.3. Can anyone confirm that modifiers don't work on global keywords in this version?



