How can I create an assets Link Value via a trigger?


Hi, I’ve read a lot of other posts but can’t find one that answers my issue.

We have news items that I want to change the Link Value on the Linking page, hopefully via a trigger when they are created. This is so I can use the Link Value Filtering Logic in an asset listing. I currently have everything working perfectly when I manually add the Link Value but I’m thinking there must be a way to add it automatically.

I can change many things via a trigger but just can’t work out how to do this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

UPDATE: just worked it out… finally!

(Bart Banda) #2

What did you do? Would be great to share here for all others to see. :slight_smile:


Sorry, forgot to write the answer when it was fresh in my mind. I’ll, try and look up what I did and report back


Well, finally got back to this so sorry if anyone was waiting for the info. Here is the rough process of what I did to get it to work. My Upcoming Events listing now adds new event items upon creation and automatically removes them from the listing when the event has finished.

Trigger: add link value

  • Create trigger with basic settings of:
    • Events: After Asset Built, Asset Created
    • Metadata Value: Asset Type has exact match with calendar-event
    • Actions
      • Create link – child-notice-upcoming
      • Set Future Status – Up For Review-determined by metadata date field-after specified value
  • This trigger works when the asset is created.
  • It checks the metadata to confirm that the news item is an event.
  • It then creates a Notice Link with the link value of upcoming . (This can be viewed on the Linking page of the asset).
  • It also sets a Future Status to change the assets status to Up For Review at the events scheduled finish time.

Asset listing

  • Create asset listing with basic settings of:
    • Asset Types to List-News Item, Link Types-Notice, Link Value-upcoming, Link Value Filtering Logic-Match, Enable Link Value Filtering-Yes
  • The asset listing will look for all News Items that can match a link where its type is Notice with the link value of upcoming. This is done by enabling Link Value filtering on the asset listing details page.

Trigger: remove link value

  • Create trigger with basic settings of:
    • Events: Status Changed
    • Metadata Value: Asset Type has exact match with calendar-event
    • Asset Status Being Changed to: Up For review
    • Create Link: Child-Type-2-No Value Entered-Unlink this asset from all its existing assets
  • This trigger works when the assets status is changed .
  • It checks the metadata to confirm that the news item is an event.
  • It then then looks for when its status is changed to Up For Review (changed upon event completion by the first trigger).
  • Once that occurs, it removes the Notice Link that was created by the first trigger and replaces it with a standard link.
  • The completed event is no longer listed in the Upcoming Events list.