How do I make related asset?

(Sang) #1

Hi, I am wondering how I can make related asset(Standard Page) to an assets.

In wordpress, we can easily add related assets by keyword to an asset.


Please share your experiences. Thanks in advance.

(Anthony Ponomarenko) #2

You can create a Metadata Schema with a Related Asset Metadata field and then apply the Metadata Schema to the asset(s).

Once the Metadata Schema is applied you can view the metadata screen of the Asset and select the Related Asset attached.

Have a look at the manuals for more info: and

(Sang) #3

Could we make it like wordpress?

We add keywords to each standard page. And then in one standard page, we link to the keyword. Then it displays related standard page which has the keyword.

For example,

Standard Page #1234 has metadata [ tag - iPhone ].
Standard Page #1235 has metadata [ tag - iPhone, Galaxy ].
Standard Page #1236 has metadata [ tag - LG ].

Standard Page #1237 wants to include asset which has meatadata tag - iPhone

Guess metadata [ tag ] is multiple text field type of metadata.

(Bart Banda) #4

You can do that kinda thing. Create a metadata field for your metadata tags, then in your layout embed a search page that acts as the related listing engine which does an automatic search for other pages tagged with the same metadata tags as the ones on the current page.

(Sang) #5

I had made metadata with Thesaurus to search and link to. Everything good except there is no way to create a new keyword by user in edit+.
I created a custom form that user can create a new keyword(Thesaurus Terms) but they need to come to this page to create a new keyword after creating a new standard page, and go back that page again to link from metadata. I hope they can create a standard page and a keyword and link to the standard page in a single step.
Is there any way to make this simple?

(Bart Banda) #6

Instead of navigating away you could ajax or lightbox the form in within Edit+ that they could open and create a new keyword for? Or you could use something simpler such as a multi text field and let the users create their own keywords all the time?

(Sang) #7

How and where do I add this function to Edit+?
Sorry I am new to this CMS…

(Bart Banda) #8

You can write your own plugins using JS:

That might be too hard though if you haven’t done it before, so maybe use a multi text field instead?