How to achieve URI Fragment

(Varun Pandey) #1

Matrix Version:

I want to create a menu which goes to specific part of homepage.

I have created that particular menu in parse file and using #Id achieved it. I don’t know it is best practice or not.
Is there any way to do it?

Menu is under top navigation.

(Harinder Singh) #2

We avoid using parse file. Better to use asset listing to achieve this or SSJS.

(Varun Pandey) #3

Hi @harinder.singh, Thanks for the reply but I achieved it by redirect page and using Id at particular component.

I have one question regarding squiz form: Created a form and nested on homepage ( as required on homepage ), but when I submit the form it reload the page and if is there any required field validation is showing but Need to scroll to the form

Can you help me on this?

(Harinder Singh) #4

Nesting custom forms within webpages is not recommended because it causes caching issues.

For your forms, try using client-side validation. Jquery validation is very easy to use.

Using Jquery, I would target for error(class) message, if exist then then scroll to the message.

(Varun Pandey) #5

Hi Harinder!

I have a navigation menu Publications having drop down submenus. I want that parent menu (Which is a standard page) to not clickable, for that I have using js and it’s working fine in normal mode but while using _edit mode, When i click on Publications it redirects to it’s page.

Can you help me please.

(Harinder Singh) #6

Can you share menu design code?

<MySource_AREA id_name="menu" design_area="menu_normal">