How to run a VM for Dummies

(Duncan Robertson) #1

I was wondering if anyone had a dummies guide to running these new VMs? How would you run these on something like Vidahost, Slicehost and so on? Would be beneficial to share your experience…

(Nic Hubbard) #2

I asked this question a long time ago on SuperUser:

I never did pursue their answer, but I think it is the best way to do it.

(Duncan Robertson) #3

Hmmm, that looks really confusing. If anyone would volunteer a step by step guide that would be incredible…

(Nic Hubbard) #4

Are you still trying to install 4.0? Did you get my email?

(Chris Smith) #5

I was wondering if anyone had a dummies guide to running these new VMs? How would you run these on something like Vidahost, Slicehost and so on? Would be beneficial to share your experience…


Different hosting providers use different technologies for vm's (some will be xen based, others vmware, others kvm, others something else). You can convert between them (usually), you might be better off building it from scratch.

Create a new vm, install the dependencies, install matrix (you can get it from cvs directly).

If you get stuck let us know.

(Duncan Robertson) #6

Nic, I would do 4.0 from the public CVS, but more thinking about taking this suite for a joy ride.

Chris thanks, I'll ask the hosting companies.

(Nic Hubbard) #7

Is it possible to install all suite items on one server?

(Duncan Robertson) #8

Wow, didn't think about that. You mean you would need a server per VM?

(Nic Hubbard) #9

Wow, didn't think about that. You mean you would need a server per VM?


It seems to me that is the way it works currently. There is no VM that I have seen that has all of them.

(Greg Sherwood) #10

That is correct. Each products runs on it's own VM due to the way the update service currently works. This may change in the future as the update service improves.

(Duncan Robertson) #11

Ok, this puts me out of the picture price wise for simply testing and playing around.

Does anyone have any good recommendations of entry level virtual hosts which can run the new VMs?

(Nic Hubbard) #12

Does anyone have any good recommendations of entry level virtual hosts which can run the new VMs?


I think your best bet is to use the install script that was posted. :slight_smile:

(Duncan Robertson) #13

Where is this script?

Man, as I said earlier. It would be amazing for someone to post an installation guide for these new VMs.

(Nic Hubbard) #14

Where is this script?

Man, as I said earlier. It would be amazing for someone to post an installation guide for these new VMs.


Checkout the script that Squiz Labs posted:

It will allow us to do a full install of Analytics or Search.