How to set up WorkFlow

(K Dennis) #1

We're trying to set up Workflow, but are unclear on how to proceed.

I'd appreciate a few pointers on how to best get it working, please.


We want a workflow pretty much like shown on


How do I set that up?

Do I make one step for each of the eight shown in "what-is-workflow"?

How do I identify to the system which step it is? Is that done by the choice of the name of the step?

How to show whether the step is a request for approval or an approval?

How do I give the Administrator the ability to choose "Accept" or "Reject"? (my experiments so far only  "Reject" shows up)







(Bart Banda) #2

A lot of those steps in that diagram are outside of the actual Workflow of a Workflow Schema. The schema kicks in when the asset goes from Under Construction or Safe Edit in to apply for approval. So Under Construction and Safe Edit are actually not "Workflow Schema" steps per se. 


Have a read of the workflow details screen here:

And then also the step and condifion information here:


The only time the asset is actually in "Workflow" is in the pending approval status. That's when the steps and conditions kick in as that's where the approval process happens. 


The people who are approvers of a particular workflow step (part of the step condition) are the ones that can approve or reject.