When importing content using the import_asset_csv_to_matrix.php script it works great until it reaches data in the .csv that contains a special character, such as £. It doesn't seem to be an easy task to replace all special characters since there could be other languages within the imported data.
Here is the error I am getting:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message: 'Cannot set metadata field #9224 to "Third US OK for Regeneron?s Eylea" for asset ID #9326 in context #0, DB error while inserting new values: "SQLSTATE[22021]: Character not in repertoire: 7 ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xcd73" [SYS0339]' in [SYSTEM_ROOT]/core/include/metadata_manager.inc(1128): setMetadata('9326...', Array) #1 [SYSTEM_ROOT]/scripts/import/import_asset_csv_to_matrix.php(539): editMetadata(Object(News_Item), Array, Array, '9210...') #2 [SYSTEM_ROOT]/scripts/import/import_asset_csv_to_matrix.php(312): createAsset(Array, 'news_item', Object(Folder), '9210...', Array, Array) #3 [SYSTEM_ROOT]/scripts/import/import_asset_csv_to_matrix.php(757): importAssets('data-import.csv', 'news_item', '9209...', '9210...', Array, Array, false, '', '', Array)
Since the DB encoding is UTF8, is there any way around this issue? Or are we going to have to replace all special characters in the data with their HTML entities? Shouldn't the script be doing this?