Installation on Win XP Home (for evaluation)

(Paultraf) #1


I took a quick look at Matrix, installing it on a netbook computer (EEE PC 901) running Win XP Home. It seems to run well enough for initial evaluation purposes, so I thought I'd note it here. But I don't think it's recommended for anything more substantial.

Basically, I followed as closely as possible the instructions provided. I think in hindsight the main points are:

  • PHP5.3 not supported, use PHP5.2 instead
    [*]need to install the PEAR Package Manager and the relevant packages
    [*]create the PLPGSQL language for Matrix
    [*]virtual host config needs Windows file paths tweaking

I've blogged an outline of the steps at:

I'm sorry I can't offer support, but hopefully this gives a reasonable indication.

- Paul

(Benjamin Pearson) #2


I took a quick look at Matrix, installing it on a netbook computer (EEE PC 901) running Win XP Home. It seems to run well enough for initial evaluation purposes, so I thought I'd note it here. But I don't think it's recommended for anything more substantial.

Basically, I followed as closely as possible the instructions provided. I think in hindsight the main points are:

  • PHP5.3 not supported, use PHP5.2 instead[*]need to install the PEAR Package Manager and the relevant packages[*]create the PLPGSQL language for Matrix[*]virtual host config needs Windows file paths tweaking

I've blogged an outline of the steps at:

I'm sorry I can't offer support, but hopefully this gives a reasonable indication.

- Paul

PEAR and PLPGSQL are part of the standard install, but PHP5.3 support will be coming soon, just hold in there are a lot of changes to be made for 5.3 support (keep in mind Matrix was written in PHP4, so there still be some legacy code that has been deprecated in 5.3)