Integrating jQuery validate with squiz custom forms

(Stephanie Soya) #1

Is anyone able to please point me in the direction of some documentation or instructions that show me how to apply jQuery validate to a squiz custom form?


I have read the jQuery validate documentation and the relevant libraries are installed in the system.


In the body copy section of the form I have referenced the jQuery validate script (asset number) and called the function on the form ID (shown below).


What else do I need to do to get it to work? 


<script src="./?a=1403">

(Nic Hubbard) #2

You would need to provide more info, such as what JS error are being thrown. And possible an example page for us to look at.

(Stephanie Soya) #3

Thanks Nic,

Another developer has just told me what was missing.


As there were no JS errors and the page is just a standard squiz custom form, the function was actually working.


However there was some missing some code to direct where and how the error was being outputted.


And as I suspected class="required" needs to be applied to the fields instead of just the standard squiz "required" selection.


The completed solution below-



<script src="./?a=1403"></script>
// init validation
var validator = $('#form_email_37127').validate({
  ignore: ':hidden',
  errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
  $('.form-item .required').blur(function(){