Internal CMS URL (to preview sites without a public URL applied)

(Erwin Strobel) #1

Squiz Matrix v5.5.7.0

I am wanting to set up an internal test URL structure within our squiz matrix instance. For instance

The purpose of this would be to preview a site during the build stage, prior to the actual site URLs being applied,

I’ve added the cms URL to the system root URLs under system config. I was just wondering what other steps I would need to complete to get this working?

Any help would be much appreciated.


(Harinder Singh) #2

I would prefer to use live URL if you are not replacing the Existing live site with new one.

You can:

  1. Create and assign a user group to the Site level.
  2. Revoke public read permissions to the group.
  3. Link Public user asset(#7) under this group.

This way you can push your site assets live as you go and the site will be accessible via login only.

During Go Live, you will only need to remove the Public user (#7) from the group and your site be ready straight away.

(Erwin Strobel) #3

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I do not a live URL (management are still deciding on this, and may take some time). As such, I was hoping to start the build with a cms URL only.

(Erwin Strobel) #4

Internal DNS updated (that’s hat I was after) :slight_smile: