Issue using the Search Page asset


Matrix Version:~5.4

I am trying to set up a Search page asset to search by a metadata field to list any related articles for our companies. My current issue is that I’m to struggling to get the Search Page asset to work.

I have set up the Search asset Search Field as below:

I simply have set it up the Initial Search Page Layout with the Squiz keywords %keyword_query% and %submit_button% but it gives the below result:

Input fields for the form are hidden and if I change the markup to reveal them, then the submit button does not function.


(Harinder Singh) #2

I tested it on my end and it is working for me.

Can you share screenshot of Initial and results bodycopies and also Detail screen as well?

(Jsisk) #3

One thing that catches our people all of the time is that Search page assets need to have at least one status selected in order to list assets.

  • Search Statuses: select the Status the asset must be to be included in the Search Page . For example, if you want to search all assets that are Under Construction and Live , select both of these Statuses . To select multiple Statuses , hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and click on the Status in the list.

Can you make sure that you have the status of a test asset matching in order to confirm this?

For more information on ‘Search Page Asset’, please check out the following manual page,

Otherwise, screenshot the the Details screen of the Search Page asset and we’ll go from there.


Here are the screenshots you’ve requested:
Initial search bodycopy:

Results page bodycopy:

Details section:



I had checked the “Live” status on the Search asset. I’ve uploaded the screenshots above as requested.


(Jsisk) #6

Looks all good from here.

The only thing I would check is that the metadata value is applied to the assets underneath that root node and at least one of the assets type nested there has the metadata value applied to it that you are searching for.

Can you perhaps update the “Search fields” screen to search for an asset by asset name.
Start there and see if that works, then see if the metadata field search works.

(Harinder Singh) #7

I am able to replicate the behavior now. You have added the Related asset Metadata field in the Search fields. On metadata screens of the assets, you are selecting root node of the related article.

Are you trying to search for the title of those related articles by selecting their root nodes?

Are you selecting multiple artilcles(multiple root nodes) from metadata screen?