Keyword modifier help - stop parent asset from appearing in search filter if child pages are added

(Innes Zenati) #1

Matrix Version: 6.45.1

Hi, looking for some help to tweak this keyword modifier - %asset_parent^as_asset:asset_name%

This is set to add the parent year folder asset to search by year for our publications… but there have been child pages added to some of our larger policies and these parent pages are now appearing in the year folder. Is there anything I can add to this keyword modifier to stop this from happening?

Publication search


(Harinder Singh) #2

Will this help?

Otherwise, I will be interested to see your backend configuration setup. How you are generating the filters?

(Innes Zenati) #3

Hi Harinder, yes this should work. I will give this a try and see if the child pages are removed from the filter. The filters are driven by a metadata schema, the options within the filter are selectable via a drop-down menu.

(Innes Zenati) #5

Hi again Harinder, I have updated the keyword but those parent asset names are still appearing in the year filter. It does take 24hr to update but doesnt seem to have stopped that from happening when there are child pages. The output from the metadata scheme looks correct but not updated on the filter. Would this keyword need to be updated in the paint layout too?

(Harinder Singh) #6

Hi mate, some screenshots of your implementation might help in achieving your expected results.

Otherwise, with SSJS you can control the filter layout.

(Innes Zenati) #7

Ok, what do you need that would help? I can send over screenshots of the schema / layout and search package data?