I am setting up a social media hub for the university and would like users to be able to add and remove facebook account oauth tokens to the system that will be used to dynamically generate our facebook feed. I have the whole process working where I am using an asset builder to generate the oauth tokens, then some triggers to update the original token. The triggers are firing but I have hit 1 final stumbling block where the global keyword replacement is not working when assigning the value to global_access_token.
You can see in the second screenshot that the expires at value is being applied correctly, but the keyword replacement on the token is not working.. Am I doing this wrong? Any ideas?
Not to mention the docs have no mention of how to assign a value to global_access_token and I could only determine the parameters after perusing the source code - but thats another story and now I am just grumbling :)
**EDIT **
I should have also mentioned that "token" is available as a GET param. You can see that it is available to the trigger at the time of execution as I have also assigned it to the client id of the token using global keyword replacement. Which makes me think that its potentially just a bug with the oauth2 token asset?
BTW, you maybe wondering why I am not just letting the oAuth2 token asset handle the conversion of the code into a token. The reason is that I need a long lived token which requires an additional query which isn't handled by the Matrix oAuth assets..