Keyword to indicate an error on a form question

(Timeverist) #1

Hi, I want to add/set a class to a form field when there is a validation error. Is there a keyword i can use in the 'extras' of the form question so when the validation detects an error it notes it in the form field which I can then set styles onto?

(Tim Davison) #2

Not anywhere I can test so this is just guesswork... 


Could you use %question_error_123_q1^notempty:my-class%?  Not sure if you put that into the extras field whether it would be processed or not.


Failing that, you could apply it directly to a parent container should work.  But this would require manually coding the Page Contents bodycopy.  E.g.

<div class="form-question %question_error_33000_q2^notempty:error-class">
</div><!-- /.form-question -->

Then you could target the input as a child of the .form-question.error-class rule.  Note these require later versions on Matrix, that support the question_error keyword.

(Timeverist) #3

Brilliant, that worked a treat!