Keywords in form submission action

(Mahearnpad) #1



I have a custom form which has a set of form submission actions making calls to the SOAP API. 


The first call creates an asset. The second call calls the SetMultipleMetadataFields method, using the keyword %globals_session_soap_NewAssetID% to get the asset where I need to set the metadata values.


Then there is a call to the method that regenerates the metadata for that asset. But it seems that the variable %globals_session_soap_NewAssetID% has not persisted to this point (the keyword is not available), and I cannot use it with this call.


Can someone please advise whether this is expected behaviour, or what I can do to access the asset I need to regenerate metadata for this step?



(Nic Hubbard) #2

Could you use a trigger?

(Bart Banda) #3

Does the SetMultipleMetadataFields return an asset ID in its SOAP response? If so you might be able to use that for the next regenerate metadata call.


But yea, if that fails still, maybe try using a trigger. 

(Mahearnpad) #4

The response message returns either true or false I believe. Anyway, thanks guys, I'll give the trigger idea a go.