Linking to form submission attachments from notification email

(Andrew Harris) #1

Matrix Version: v5.5.3.3

Hi there,
We have a number of forms with file upload questions, that generate message through the email options. If we opt to attach the file uploads to the emails, our Uni spam filter will almost certainly block the message.

So, we’re trying to generate usable links in the emails instead, which is sort of working, but not very well.
The keywords we’re using: %response_3380314_q6_file_id^as_asset:asset_url% do print a URL, but (and this gets complicated) if we use that URL as the href in an anchor tag, it works fine when the form is under construction, but when the form is live, the anchor tag gets stripped out, leaving only the raw URL.

Anyway, the URL is a start, but we don’t want to settle for that longer term. I’d welcome any suggestions on better ways that this could be managed.

Surely we’re not the first to have this issue. Changing the spam filter settings is not an option.

(Tbaatar) #2

The keyword works for me BUT i have it printing as JSON to send to Postmark.

"From": "",
"To": "",
"Subject": "Enquiry",
"HtmlBody": "<p><a href=\"%response_521_q3_file_id^as_asset:asset_url%\">%response_521_q3_file_id^as_asset:asset_url%</a></p></html>",
"ReplyTo": "%globals_response_521_q2%",